Intermediate React Interview #

Demo Code

1: fetch Data

  const [fetchData, setFetchData] = React.useState(null)
  React.useEffect(() => {
      .then((response) => response.json())
      .then((result) => {
  }, [])

2: flatten location data

Compared to the method in this video, I used a different way. My data only convert array with object of location, but it made it like { header: { data key's name}, data{ ...array of location data}}

          result.results.map((person) => {
            return {
              streetName: `${person.location.street.number} ${person.location.street.name}`,
              city: person.location.city,
              state: person.location.state,
              country: person.location.country,

Here is my render code:

            <th onClick={() => sortArray("city")}>City</th>
            <th onClick={() => sortArray("state")}>State</th>
            <th onClick={() => sortArray("country")}>Country</th>
          {flattenLocation.map((element, index) => (
            <tr key={index} className='personRow'>

3: sort the array when clicking the header name

It can't sort data yet, and it also needs adding a function that can toggle sorting way.

  const sortArray = (sort) => {
    setFlattenLocation((data) => {
      return data.sort((a, b) => {
        var nameA = a[sort].toUpperCase() // ignore upper and lowercase
        var nameB = b[sort].toUpperCase() // ignore upper and lowercase
        if (nameA < nameB) {
          return -1
        if (nameA > nameB) {
          return 1
        // names must be equal
        return 0

4. search data values

const query = React.useRef('') // query value
getFilteredRow(flattenLocation, query).map() //render

Wild way:

However, it has some unwanted results when you typing "{" or header name.

function getFilteredRow(row, query){
     return row.filter(row=> JSON.stringify(row).toLowerCase().includes(query))


"Better" way:

const getFilteredRows = (rows: any[], filterKey: string) => {
  return rows.filter((row: any) => {
    return Object.values(row).some((s) =>
      ("" + s).toLowerCase().includes(filterKey)